The CEES Energy Solidarity Toolkit is packed with information on how energy communities (ECs) can build solidarity measures into their core activities. CEES Partners offer tips and insights on everything

  • Getting started outlines preparatory steps ECs should take such as ‘onboarding’ new skills and setting up systems. 
  • Identify and engage covers both working with people in vulnerability and partners who can help you connect with them.  
  • Act describes specific ways to practise energy solidarity, as well as challenges that CEES Partners encountered along the way.
  • Financing offers new ideas for raising funds to enable energy solidarity. 
  • Legal and regulatory highlights how EU, national or local policies can help or hinder ECs.
  • Evaluate provides some basic information on what to evaluate, why and how.
Getting started

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The CEES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101026972.