Energy community partners:


Since 2012, Repowering has spearheaded community energy schemes that put people first, empowering communities in London with clean, green, democratically-owned energy. Targeting particularly deprived areas of the capital – where cohesion is lacking and interest in community energy is low – Repowering engages with interested individuals or champions to launch new initiatives, providing management support and professional expertise. By empowering local residents, they aim to build resilient communities.

Repowering brings highly contextualised support services for energy communities to the CEES project, including ways to:

  • identify local leaders and champions.
  • promote collaboration by organising weekly open meetings on estates at which local leaders and residents co-produce messaging.
  • partner with local, community-based organisations, such as tenant management organisations (TMOs).
  • work with local council PR and communications teams to maximise media opportunities and boost awareness of the programme.

Such engagement always considers local socio-demographics, inclusivity and special communication needs such as providing content in Braille, large font and diverse languages.

Repowering expects to support ~600 vulnerable residents annually (5 000 over the project duration), aiming to double their reach through CEES partner collaboration. In the UK, average energy consumption is 48 kWh/day. Estimating average savings of 10% per household per year (1 752 kWh/yr), by the project’s third year across 500 households, total savings are estimated at 0.88 GWh/yr. In turn, emissions will be reduced by 323 tCO2/yr during the project, ultimately doubling to 646 tCO2/yr.

Repowering aims to trigger €60 000 of investments during the project, with a target to double them to €120 000 thereafter

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The CEES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101026972.